This paper clarifies the concepts of empowerment and mental health and examines the relationships in a qualitative study of psychiatric consumer/survivors participating in three innovative community mental health programmes. Published in the Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 11: p125-142, 2001
Archive for New Paradigm Values / Principles / Approaches
Self-Determination and Community: Building a Textured Life Story
This article appeared in The Communicator, Jan. 2001, by the Autism National Committee. The story of Andrew Bloomfield’s life in community.
More Choice and Control for People with Disabilities
The goal of this Review of Individualized Funding, published by the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, July 2000, was to develop understanding, awareness, and strategies for building the capacity of individuals, families, communities, and government to implement Individualized Funding for people with disabilities in Ontario.
Round Table Report on Individualized Funding
The purpose of the Round Table, chaired by John, was to develop province-wide principles, a policy framework, and directions for Individualized Funding, and to identify strategies for implementation. This report was published in May 2000.
Canadian Independent Living Centres: Impact on the Community
This article was published in the International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 23 (2), p. 61-74, 2000
Constructing Social Support With Vulnerable Citizens: Promise and Problems
This summary was part of presentation made in Holland in 1999; discussing building support networks in a way that expands relationships and promotes a sense of community.
“Nothing About Me, Without Me”: Participatory Action Research with Self Help/Mutual Aid Organizations for Psychiatric Consumer/Survivors
Participatory action research with self-help/mutual aid organizations for psychiatric consumer/survivors is reviewed. This research was published in the American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1998
Beyond “Partnership Shock”: Getting to ‘Yes’, Living with ‘No’
Appeared in: Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation; Special Issue on Partnerships 12:2; Winter, 1998
Empowerment: Self in Community
Presented to the Empowerment Practice in Social Work Conference; Faculty of Social Work; University of Toronto; Sept. 27, 1997
The Impact of Independent Living Resource Centres in Canada on People with Disabilities
This article was published in the Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation, 10:2, p. 99-112, 1997