Moving Toward Citizenship: A Study of Individualized Funding in Ontario

This is a comprehensive study of how four projects across Ontario are providing supports to people with disabilities in a unique and personalized fashion.  This research study was commissioned by The Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario and submitted by the Coalition to the Ministry of Community and Social Services on April 7, 2006.

Creating a Home

Power Point Presentation made to Common Threads; National Conference of the Canadian Down Syndrome Society, May 14, 2005 –Four Key Things Enabling Families to Create Homes:  Intention & Understanding; Strong Support Network/Circle; Independent Facilitation & Planning; Flexible or Individualized Funding.

Creative Supports that Work

Keynote Address given at Creative Supports for Vulnerable Adults Conference, Guelph, Apr. 2005.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring quality requires a multifaceted approach.  The  development of this initial framework for quality assurance begins with these four assumptions supported by research and everyday practice:

  1. Vulnerable people often feel powerless.
  2. People with disabilities are often isolated.
  3. Each person has his/her own unique strengths and needs.
  4. Enhancing quality is more about the personal values and principles.

Therefore anything that can be done to empower the individual, provide for optimum participation in community according to the individual’s strengths and needs, based on values and principles will increase the quality of life for vulnerable people.   Mar. 2005

Time To Do It Right: Re-thinking How We Close Institutions

Commentary published on Community Living Leaders, Nov. 1, 2004.

Types of Advocacy

Presented at Brock University, May 2004

The Evolution of Community Supports: Sorting Out What Really Works!

Keynote Address to Community Living Ontario, 50th Anniversary Conference, Nov. 2003

Lifestyle Planning

Steps for facilitators, individuals, families and network planning groups; Fall, 2003

Understanding Individualized Support: The Power of Independent Planning and Facilitation

This article explaining the benefits of individualized supports and the role of independent planning and facilitation in developing those supports was published by the Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario, Sept. 2003.

Relationships as a Mirror and Basis for Support

This article was published in Mental Health Matters, Vol. 14, No.2; Dec. 2001; reflecting on the meaning and value of relationships in our lives.